
Aquarium Clock

changing name from webchallenge to nanacarol2008.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thing #19- Web 2.0 Awards

I enjoyed looking through the Web 2.0 Awards categories. I liked that it gave you
choices to choose from. This way you can find something that is more to your needs.
I did search several categories and found that I was most interested in these three.
(Real Estate, Mapping and Travel) I can see how the color wheel can be of
service to people who have a need to match colors for something.
I also noticed some of the categories we've practiced with the Web Challenge.
Flickr, widgets and technorati to name a few.

Thing #18- Web Apps.

I was able to do this one easily. I didn't play with this a lot, but I think it would be very easy
to use. It would be more beneficial and easy for groups to communicate their ideas.
(save them a lot of time)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thing #17- Play in the Sandbox

This wasn't easy for me. Once I got into the sandbox, it was easy and fun to design my own "thing".
I got really confused when I actually had to post something though. Someone else had to help me. I believe I also ended up invading other peoples projects??? I don't really know how I did it and if anyone is offended, I apologize, it wasn't done on purpose.
If I ever need to do this again, I hope to get a lot more instruction and time to practice.

Thing #16-Learn about Wikis

The video was informative and easy to understand. The book lists, especially Nancy Pearls blog,
was very interesting. Seeing everyones reviews can be extremely helpful when recommending
titles to customers or selecting something for yourself. When I visited the public libraries blog
I didn't notice our own OCL branch listed. I did like seeing the info about Programming. Libraries can get some great ideas or share some great ideas. I also enjoyed the circulation blog.
I can see how this can be a great asset for sharing information.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thing #15- On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

I agree with the "Getting Away from the Icebergs" section. It's about time
we got rid of the "just in case" collections that hardly ever get used. We should
be making our services and information much more available and easier for
"out of library" use. It doesn't serve any purpose to make everyone have to
come into the library for our services anymore. Our society has become much
more self sufficient and computer savvy.

It's also good for us to collaborate with other websites so we have a broader
spectrum of information for our customers.
Being able to make comments and ratings also helps keep us informed.

Web 3.0 and 4.0 are a bit beyond my comprehension at this time.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thing #14-Getting not-so-technical with Technorati

This website was very confusing. It took a bit of searching to find things. To me it appears to be
chatrooms within specific categories. I did find widget ticker tapes and with help, was able to get the news one onto my blog.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thing #13: Tagging, Folksonomies & Social Bookmarking in

As I searched this challenge, I saw that it can be very useful. School reading lists can be shared
with libraries, parents and other schools.
Seeing, it was amazing the amount of lists shared.
The STF account is useful with it's info at your fingertips. It's all bookmarked in researched
categories, just pick one and get your info right there.
I would have to say that the school reading lists would be the one that I would use.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Thing #12- Netlibrary/Worldcat

I found Netlibrary to be more useful for college and business. I searched the subject of pirates.
After choosing a book it was easy to read with the table of contents right there. This is good if
the item your looking for is there, you can review it right there.

I liked Worldcat. I found it to be user friendly with more options to work with. You can
review not only books but cds, dvds and articles. It tells you what libraries carry the item
and how far you will need to go to retrieve it. This site also gives you all the info that you
would need to buy the item.

Thing #11 Librarything

I started listing all the books I have read recently. This is a great way to keep track of what I have already read. I will recommend this to our customers when they ask if we keep a list of books that they have already read.
This is the link to my librarything catalog.

Thing #10 Technology

I think the e-books are a great resource for the public--they are asking for it more and more.

Scrolling RSS News Ticker

About Me

I mostly enjoy spending time with family and friends especially if i have to travel to see them.